Saturday, 31 December 2022

Greedy Cow Restaurant - Closing Tonight After 14 Years.


Official notice from the GReedy Cow stating that they are closing after 14 years.

Tonight the Greedy Cow closes as a restaurant after 14 years.

This is such a sad day for our area.

Without a doubt, Reg's opening of "The Greedy" lifted this part of our area and kickstarted the regeneration of that small row of local shops. The Pizza Room, The Coffee Room and it have formed a wonderful triplet of eateries which have given us a reasonable choice of local places to walk to for a bite to eat. 

How many of us have wandered by and let our stomach choose which to go to? That choice won't be there after tonight.

The owner of the building is converting the first floor into flats and putting another storey or two on top with more flats. The ground floor will be much smaller to allow for a new stairway to the flats. It is disappointing that the planners have allowed this lovely old building to be ruined. Meanwhile 15 staff now start their New Year out of work.

Many residents will have experienced their first exotic burger at "The Greedy" whether that be Camel, Bison or Crocodile to name but a few. For me the venison is my poison (literally as I have haemochromatosis!), but many of us will have started the weekend off with a relaxed Egg's Royale or Benedict.

Painting by local artist Mira Connolly

Before it became The Greedy Cow, it was the Prince of Wales and one longtime Lichfield Road resident was the DJ. His son and daughter have both gone on to work for Reg there. You can't get much more local than that.

The Prince of Wales was originally the Prince of Prussia. But during WWI it was renamed to something less Teutonic after having its windows put through too many times. The photo below shows the building line from those days with the 277 tram partially obscuring the exterior.

Prince of Wales (nee Prussia)

Thank You Reg for being such a part of our community - Yes you donated "Meals for Two" as raffle prizes, but beyond that you have been a genuine friend to many of us. Good luck with your next adventure and good luck to all the staff Pierre and all the front of house staff, and Mani and all the kitchen staff.

2022 hasn't been great for local businesses. The Texaco Garage will be closing shortly and a pretty boring line of tall flats will replace it. Though the 24 hour car wash won't be missed! Tariq's shop by the bus turn around closed so the owners can demolish it and triple the height overshadowing homes in Aberavon Road; and Mile End Sandwich Bar in Mile End Road is changing hands and going all turkey bacon on us. (Many will miss the latter's lovely wraps).

Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Festive Tea Dance - Thursday 15 December

Photo of Tony Lane and the Sunshine Singers singing on stage at the Art Pavilion.

Tower Hamlets residents over the age of 50 are invited to an afternoon of live music and song from The Sunshine Kings, dancing with Tony Lane and performance from St Paul’s Way Secondary School. Light refreshments will be served.

Tower Hamlets' annual festive tea dance takes place on Thursday 15 December from 1.30 - 4.30pm at The Art Pavilion in Clinton Road.

The tea dance is free to attend but advance booking is essential. Bookings open Thursday 1 December.  Please call 020 7364 7902/ 7900 from 10am - 2pm Monday to Friday or email

Help the Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Plan – 5 minutes online help

TMap of the Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood area

The Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Plan was formally approved on November 16 by the entire Tower Hamlets Council after receiving support from more than 70% of residents in a referendum.

Our Plan now has full weight in all planning decisions within the neighbourhood planning area (which is approximately the wards of Bow East and Bow West). This means that the Neighbourhood Plan, together with the London Plan and Local Plan for the borough, comprise the Development Plan for Tower Hamlets.

"The Neighbourhood Plan gives the people of Bow a voice in local planning decisions and will help shape development in Bow over the coming years." Mike Mitchell, Forum Member.

Neighbourhood Forums are the group that formulate the Plan. They only have a five year life span before they have to undergo a process of “re-designation” (ours was designated on 16 August 2017). It may seem odd that we have only just got the Plan adopted and we are having to get it “redesignated”. But this is pretty standard as doing a Google shows

The Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Forum is currently in the process of re-designation. Have a look at the application and constitution for the forum and email in any comments to the council at before the 12th January 2023.

Need for Committee Members

The Forum committee is keen to welcome new members, particularly women and members of the Bangladeshi and other minority communities. You would serve until the next annual general meeting in summer 2023, when all the committee stand for election by the Forum membership.

The committee currently meets monthly in the evening. The Forum needs a secretary to maintain the Forum’s membership and list and take minutes at committee meetings, and a media officer to help with newsletters and social media posts.

A heart for the area and its people is more important than any experience of planning, so do please contact the Forum using the email address below:

Saturday, 19 November 2022

Petition Supporting the Chisenhale School Street

Montage Photo representing the issues and characters involved in the Save Chisenhale School Street Campaign

ITV News, BBC London News, Time Out, Evening Standard, The Guardian, BBC Newsround, The Independent and many others have all featured the recent decision by Mayor Lutfur Rahman to remove the Chisenhale School street and playspace.

London has over 530 schoolstreets and we as a borough look to be on a path to remove the 26 school streets we have as part of our Mayor's pledge to "reopen the roads". Sadiq Khan has urged our Mayor to reconsider: "London needs more school streets not fewer".

Numerous families within MEOTRA have children at Chisenhale School and have been key to the campaign. Both our Bow West Councillors (Nathalie of the Greens and Asma from Labour) have been working hard to engage with the council administration and bring all parties together.

Confusion, misinformation and the speed with which the announcement was made (the day half term started) has led to Bow becoming very polarised over the matter. Does the PTA and school accept the land grab of the PlaySpace should go? Are local residents OK with regular timed closures during drop off and pickup time (such as we have locally at Malmesbury School)? We need to find common ground and bring Bow together over this and not let it create a divide.

There is a currently a petition on the council website requesting that our Executive Mayor CONSULT with residents, parents and the school. Please consider signing it. 

Petition on Chisenhale School street

If the petition reaches 2,000 signatures then it will get a full 30 minute debate at the next full council meeting.

If you'd like to read a pretty balanced article about the issue then our local Roman Road "The Slice" actually is probably the best starting point.

Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Anti-Social Behaviour in Tredegar Square

AI generated art to illustrate the rise in ASB and car crime in Tredegar Square Gardens.

The other week Anti-Social Behaviour reached a new low in Tredegar Square with a car being driven into the middle of Tredegar Square one night for a party.

Since COVID first came to town Tower Hamlets Council have stopped locking the Square. This was understandable when we were all trying to maintain social distancing and going for exercise at all hours. But now it is just being done to save money.

Apparently our balloon blowing, happy crack NOX inhaling visitors, decided to open up the Square's gates and drove a car into the park at around 10.30 one night. They continued to clown around with their balloon party packs until the police came along with their blues and twos flashing.

If you witnessed this bizarre incident please get in touch with any further details you may have so MEOTRA can put this to the council and local police team. Any photos would be especially welcome.

Currently the under-resourced police are having to come far too often to sort out this easily preventable ASB. We know the police have better things to do with their time and are ramping up our efforts to get the gates locked like they have have been for many, many years.

Safer Communities Engagement Day in Tredegar Square (26/01/2023)

On Thursday the 26th January 2023 our council's safer communities mobile unit will be coming to Tredegar Square. It will be here 9am to 12pm and there will be a safety walkabout from 5PM-7PM.

It will provide us with a face to face opportunity to speak with the police, council officers and partner agencies about our local concerns. If you unable to attend, or are shy, then please drop us a note with any concerns (What, When, Where etc) and we will pass it on anonymously for you.

Information about police ward panel meetings will also be available ( this was discussed in a previous MEOTRA post recently).

Friday, 11 November 2022

Should I go to Accident and Emergency?


Photo of the front of the Royal London Hospital at Whitechapel.

It was interesting to attend Thursday night's meeting about the Royal London Hospital's Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department. Lots of information was exchanged both from the point of view of doctors/nurses, but also also by patients. Below is a summary which may be of use and interest, and highlights the little-known Urgent Treatment Centre at the London which is GP-led.

How Long will I have to wait?

The department is working on signage to give an idea of how long people will have to wait. But as most of us realise, it isn't easy to predict. Anyone who has gone around the corner towards Milward Street/Stepney Way will have seen that the area is frequently nose to tail with ambulances bringing in 999 cases via the dedicated ambulance entrance. And then of course there are the six or so patients helicoptered in each day. These three ways of "getting in" mean you often can sit in the waiting room and are left to wonder why no one is being seen - when in fact the major cases are coming in via the helipad or ambulance.

If you have been to the X-ray or blood test departments on the second floor lately you will have seen they have moved on from supermarket deli counter ticketing: they now use the SwiftQueue system which gives a smart live dashboard. The A and E is looking to move over to something like this for walk-in patients.

The majority of those visiting (50-60%) do not have very serious or life-threatening illness or injury.

A&E sees around 400 people per day, and the majority of these could have been seen elsewhere such as by a local pharmacist (find a pharmacy), their own GP (find a GP) or at a minor injuries clinic (at Barts) or at the Urgent Treatment Centre (at the Royal London Hospital's Cavell Entrance). It would really help the A&E department if folk only came to A&E if immediate care is needed for something that is very serious or life-threatening.

But I can't get a GP appointment and need to be looked at?

Yes, most of us struggle to get GP appointments. Depending on our GP surgery, we sit with our phone on redial at 8.30am to book an appointment; try the Accurx online system (e.g. St Stephens); or use e-consult

Another alternative that seems to be a secret known only to some, is to visit the Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) at the Royal London Hospital. In fact, if you go to A&E and are deemed not to have a serious or life threatening injury or condition, you will literally be sent around the block to the UTC (a three minute walk). The UTC is staffed by GPs and specialist nurses. Not only is it open 24 hours daily, but appointments are also bookable via NHS 111. Booking before you travel can save lots of waiting around. They can get X-rays booked and deal with a large number of conditions such as: sprains and strains, suspected broken limbs, minor head injuries, cuts and grazes, bites and stings, minor scalds and burns, ear and throat infections, skin infections and rashes, eye problems, coughs and colds, high temperature in child and adults, stomach pain, being sick (vomiting) and diarrhoea, emergency contraception.

Map of the Royal London Hospital site detailing where to go for different health needs.

An Appendix

The UTC entrance is right next to the statue of Queen Alexandra, the wife of Edward VII, who famously had to delay his coronation due to appendicitis. He was operated on by the London Hospital's Sir Frederick Treves (widely known for his friendship with Joseph Merrick, "The Elephant Man"), and assisted in the operation by the pioneer of antiseptic surgery Joseph Lister. The operation was performed on a table in the Music Room of Buckingham Palace. The King was opposed to the operation as it would delay the coronation, which led Treve's to state if he wasn't permitted to operate then it would be a funeral!

Following the successful operation, Queen Alexandra began a close association with the hospital and the East End which continues to this day through the Alexandra Rose Charity and initiatives such as the Tower Hamlets fruit and veg on prescription project.

Statue of Queen Alexandra sited outside the Royal London Hospital

Detail on side of Queen Alexandra statue plinth

Thursday, 10 November 2022

Q&A about the A&E at the Royal London Hospital - Thursday 10th November 6.30-8 near York Hall

This Thursday night there is a chance to learn and ask questions about the Royal London Hospital's Accident and Emergency Department. 

The event takes place at Mayhew House in Bethnal Green which is next door to York Hall. It is on the D6 route. If travelling by tube it is about 5 minutes walk north of Bethnal Green Tube in the old council Music Library and Launderette.

If you are unable to attend then please email us and we will try and ask any questions you have.

About Mayfield House

Built in 1964 this six-storeyed block is famous for housing one of London's first coin-operated laundries, and is featured in the Streets video for Dry Your Eyes.

The glass structure on the end used to house the borough of Bethnal Green's music library with an adjoining recital room.

One assumes the launderette's 800rpm spin cycles didn't interfere with the library records' 33/45rpms or the recitals? Anyone ever visit whilst it was open?

Dry Your Sheets Mate

Friday, 4 November 2022

Fancy some Bulb Planting in Mile End Park this weekend?

Photo of MEOTRA residents (of all ages) at a previous woodland bulb session

This weekend the Friends of Mile End Park are holding some woodland bulb planting sessions in the park. Pop along and help out if you can even if it is just for an hour or so. 

For many, this time of year sees a succession of events that we don’t need to check the calendar for: the clocks change; Halloween follows, then Bonfire Night and then of course Remembrance Day. But it is also when "Friends of Parks" up and down the country, plant tens, if not hundreds of thousands of bulbs.The Friends of Mile End Park  literally has a shed load of native woodland bulbs to bury. 

The sessions are from 10-12 and 1-3 on both Saturday and Sunday. The weather is looking "alright".

Further information (What/When/Where/How etc) is on the Friends of Mile End Park webpage

If you are out walking the dog or taking a stroll just say "Hi"

Photo of FOMEP stalwarts Gail and Steph enjoying bulb planting last Autumn

Sunday, 30 October 2022

Bow West Police Survey

 Metropolitan Police "SAfer Neighbourhood" sign

Our local borough Safer Neighbourhoods Team for Bow West Ward currently has an online survey available. The "Bow West October 2022 Virtual Ward Survey" only takes a minute or two to fill out and is an excellent opportunity for you to let the local police know about issues affecting you here in Bow.

Whilst completing the survey you have the opportunity to detail particular issues and can give very granular details such as the street name, times etc. I would really encourage you to do this. Such data is used to set local policing priorities.


Bow West Police Ward Panel - Get Involved!

Safer Neighbourhood Teams in London aim to hold quarterly "ward panel meetings".These meetings allow residents to talk directly with the police, councillors, and other key parties such as Tower Hamlets Homes about local issues. Importantly, local policing priorities are set at these meetings.

Unfortunately due to COVID, staffing, volunteer and other issues our own Bow West Panel hasn't been meeting as often as it should. Meotra, together with our two local councillors Asma Begum and Nathalie Bienfait, and Alex and Barny from the local police, having been working behind the scenes to get these useful meetings going again.

Meotra always sends a representative (indeed Roshan, a MEOTRA committee member, has chaired the meeting for many years), but we are really keen to encourage fresh faces to come along. If you'd be interested in attending then please put your contact details in the MPS survey, and/or get in touch with us via for more info.

Be Kept Informed About Local Policing Issues.

You might also want to sign up to be kept informed via the following social media platforms:

Twitter: @MPSBowWest | @MPSTowerHam | @metpoliceuk

You can get in touch with the Bow West police via

Monthly Crime Data is available on the MPS Crime Dashboard and here. It is highly searchable right down to the ward level. It is extremely detailed - it even lists the number of fish stolen in May 2022 in Bow West 

Bow WEst CRime Map

Graph showing monthly variation in phone theft  in Bow West
Mobile Phone Theft in Tower Hamlets

Saturday, 15 October 2022

Urban Sketchers out in force here today

Today dotted around our neighbourhood we have around 70 artists from UrbanSketchers sketching and painting our area.

I gave them a quick tour and some history and context to the area. 

They have split up in to ones and twos, will sketch for a couple of hours and have their throwdown outside the Art Pavilion at 3.30 today. 

Hopefully we'll be able to host an exhibition of their sketches at some point.

The exhibition, celebrating ten years of the group, finishes tomorrow and is well worth popping in to. You might even spot your home in a sketch!

Photo of the urban sketchers "Throw Down"

An artist hold up his watercolour painting of the Lord Tredegar Public House.

Friday, 14 October 2022

Bow Votes Yes to Adopt the Neighbourhood Plan

Electors have voted in favour of adopting the Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Plan in the referendum today with 1743 Yes votes to 736 No votes.

This result follows years of hard work by many Bow residents, and gives us, the people of Bow a greater say in local planning matters.

Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Use Your Vote This Thursday


Historica photo of George Lansbury (leader of the Labour Party in the 1930s) surrounded by local East End children

Yesterday Hollywood legend Dame Angela Lansbury died at the age of 96. She had strong roots in the East End via her grandfather George Lansbury the politician and social reformer who lived in Bow Road. He was leader of the Labour Party from 1932 to 1935; served the East End community for many years in various elected roles, and was jailed twice for his political beliefs. He, together with his wife and family, was a strong supporter of women's rights.

Dame Angela was tremendously proud of her ancestors' contributions to women's suffrage.

The Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Plan Referendum

Neighbourhood Forum Flyer

Today (Thursday) sees the people of Bow going to the polls to vote in a referendum on whether we should adopt the Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Plan. MEOTRA have been involved with shaping the plan since the outset with many of our residents attending their meetings and workshops.

If you’ve misplaced your polling card, do not fear, the card itself is not required at the polling station. Simply give your name and address and this will be looked up by the officers present. No ID is needed.

Traditionally these local votes have poor turn outs. Let's see if we can go some way to bump that trend. The polling station for most of us is at the Epainos Church in Lichfield Road, E3 5AT; although for some residents it may be Malmesbury Primary School, Coborn Street, E3 2AB.

This twitter thread by former Isle of Dogs councillor Andrew Wood gives a pretty neutral take on the pros and cons of supporting the referendum. 


Saturday, 8 October 2022

Urban Sketchers – Open Exhibition 8-16 October at The Art Pavilion, Mile End Park

Mile End Car Service, Burdett Road

A wonderful art exhibition is on from now until the 16th October at the Art Pavilion in Mile End Park, just behind the Texaco Garage.

The sketchers have captured the spirit of London with over 100 sketches on show. There are plenty of local buildings and views such as the now derelict "Mile End Car Service" above, Morgan Arms and the Art Pavilion itself. When you read "Mile End Car Service" can you hear the woman's voice that used to pick up the phone saying it? And it was quickly followed by "On its way now".

Flyer for the forthcoming LONDON by Urban Sketchers Exhibition at the Art Pavilion

It isn't just a passive exhibition either. You can join in and sketch the park too from the venue, join the sketchers on one of their "sketchcrawls" around the park or watch a demo. Further information is on the Friends of Mile End Park website

Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Neighbourhood Planning Referendum 13 October

 Do you want the London Borough of Tower Hamlets to use the Bow Neighbourhood Plan to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?

The Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Planning Referendum is taking place on Thursday 13 October. If you are a MEOTRA resident and have registered to vote, then you should have received a polling card by now. 

This referendum asks the simple question: “Do you want the London Borough of Tower Hamlets to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Roman Road Bow to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

Map showing the extent of the Bow Neighbourhood Plan area
The Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Planning Area

The idea of the plan was first put forward in 2016 by the Roman Road Trust and it has taken tonnes of effort to get the plan together and to go through all the necessary government hoops.

You can find out more on the council website including viewing the neighbourhood plan and the notice of referendum.

In simple terms, a Neighbourhood Plan is a document that sets out planning policies for the neighbourhood area (in our case Bow). The plan’s policies are used to decide whether to approve planning applications in the area. It’s written by the local community, the people who know and love the area, rather than the Local Planning Authority, and it is a powerful tool to ensure the community gets the right types of development, in the right place.

MEOTRA have been involved with formulating the plan since the outset and have regularly posted about it. The key is that it helps give the people of Bow a greater voice in planning applications.

The main themes of the plan are:

  1. A thriving high street and local economy
  2. Green streets that encourage walking and cycling
  3. Beautiful public spaces
  4. New life for our local heritage
  5. High quality affordable housing
  6. A resilient and well-networked community infrastructure
The full plan can be read here. It is 48 pages long, but it is well laid out and full of lots of photos and graphics and so is not as imposing as it sounds.

Should you vote in favour and support it? Well we couldn't possibly comment. Have a read for yourself over a cup of coffee or something stronger if you prefer.

This morning's Roman Road London's The Slice had a well written article on the Bow Plan too that is worth a read.

A photo of Bow residents looking at a map of Bow and discussing the area. discussing
Pointing out a community asset (The Palm Tree!)

Saturday, 24 September 2022

Rising Anti-Social Behaviour, Noise and Crime in our Area

Map of MEOTRA area highlighting areas experiencing ASB

This year has seen quite a rise in Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) and noise pollution within the MEOTRA area. We all need to do our bit to help reduce it. It is important to report incidents and make a note of any reference number (e.g. Crime Number).

Police and council resources are often allocated based on the number of reports made (so-called "trigger levels"). So if you see an issue that concerns you report it, don't assume someone else has.

This article is in two parts. This first part outlines some of the current problems.  In Part Two (tomorrow) we will detail how to report your concerns.

The Art Pavilion, Clinton Road

Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Our Community Reacts to Shea Gordon's Murder on Morgan Street

Photo of Shea Gordon

As I am sure most of you will know there was a murder on Morgan Street on Sunday 4th September at approximately 00.08hrs. 17 year old Shea Gordon was fatally stabbed. Another youth was seriously injured, but his injuries are not thought to be life-threatening. The murder and disturbance leading to it was featured on BBC London news and further information is available on the BBC website and most recently on the Roman Road London’s website.

Police Appeal for Information

Detective Chief Inspector Mark Rogers from the Met’s Specialist Crime Command said:

“While an arrest has been made, I would reiterate my appeal for anyone with information about the incident which led to Shea’s murder to come forward. We continue to support Shea’s family through this incredibly difficult period but they need your help too – please get in contact with any information you have that could help provide them with the answers about what happened to Shea.”

Anyone who witnessed this incident, or who has captured footage or images, should call the Major Incident Room on 0208 345 3715, giving the reference Operation Wildcast. Information can also be provided via Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

Residents Meet to Discuss the Murder and Rising Anti-Social Behaviour

On the 15th of September there was an online meeting hosted by a Lichfield Road resident which had around 32 attendees from our area. Many MEOTRA residents were unable to attend as we were only invited two hours before. Thanks to the 15 or so who came via MEOTRA at such short notice. MEOTRA did get both of our Bow West councillors (Asma Begum and Nathalie Bienfait) to attend, and their knowledge and input was invaluable.

Meotra’s notes from the above meeting are here.

MEOTRA has arranged an online meeting between the church, our councillors, the MEOTRA committee, and a small number of residents this Thursday evening to discuss the events of that fateful night and the increase in noise and anti-social behaviour that has been noticeable over the last few months from the site.

Ahead of Thursday’s meeting please let us know your thoughts on any concerns you have about the church (both the historic building and the hall on Lichfield Road that is used for events too). Please be as specific with times and dates as you can. 

MEOTRA has had a good relationship with the church for many years - since at least 1986. They have kindly let us use their hall for committee and AGM meetings free of charge many times; lent us chairs and tables for free at the last minute for our Jubilee Party in Tredegar Square and we have obtained a £2000 grant from the Tower Hill Trust dedicated to “rewilding” the churchyard so it becomes a local pocket park for local residents to enjoy. The churchyard has potential to be a very special place and we are supported by the council and the Friends Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park in achieving this (further info).

Anti Social Behaviour within the MEOTRA Area

Our area has seen a noticeable increase in anti-social behaviour (ASB) and we are working with the police, councillors and the council to tackle this. We will be posting about this shortly in a separate post. Please let us know any other ASB concerns you have.

MEOTRA are arranging an open public meeting with our Councillors, council licensing/parks/events officers, our local police officers and local MEOTRA residents to discuss what concrete steps we can take to improve matters in our area.

Sunday, 7 August 2022

Roman Road and Bow Neighbourhood Plan moves to a Local Referendum


Map showing the MEOTRA and Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Planning areas

After six and a half years the Tower Hamlets Council Cabinet has agreed that the Roman Road and Bow Neighbourhood Plan can move to a referendum. This is a major achievement for our Bow community in making its voice heard in local planning issues.

The referendum will take place on Thursday 13th October 2022.

Everyone who is a registered voter in the plan area will be able to vote on the plan on 13th October. If a majority vote in favour, the plan will be adopted by the Council and used to determine planning applications over the coming years.

The electoral services team of Tower Hamlets Council will organise the referendum, and MEOTRA, which has been involved in the process since the outset, will pass on further details as they are known.

You can read the Examiner's Final Report here.

Help to get the neighbourhood forum reapproved.

The local body responsible for the plan is the neighbourhood forum, which was formally approved on 16th August 2017 by the Council cabinet. Approval expires after 5 years and so the forum needs to apply again to be approved as a neighbourhood forum. The neighbourhood planning application form is required to provide the names, post code and 'interests and relevant background' of 21 people who live, work or are  elected representatives in the plan area.

The forum need your help with this application, and if you are willing for your name to be on the form, please do send them a short email with your name, post code and just a word or two about yourself e.g. 'long-term resident', 'local parent', 'care about Bow'.

It would help us if you can respond as soon as possible so they can submit the form to the Council. Email address to provide your details:

Thursday, 14 July 2022

East End Canal Festival - 16th % 17th July 2022 (Sat & Sun) by the Art Pavilion, Mile End Park

 Flyer for the upcoming East End Canal Festival

This weekend Regent's Canal Heritage are hosting a bumper two-day festival to celebrate 200 years of the well-loved and well-used Regent's Canal in the East End.

Both days are packed full with a range of activities including boat trips, workshops, floating cinema, storytelling, canal art, pond dipping, plenty of live music and much more. 

Saturday 16th July, 11am-5pm
Sunday 17th July, 11am-5pm

Art Pavilion & Regent’s Canal, Mile End Park, Clinton Rd, London E3 4QY

How do I book?
All activities are free but booking is required via Eventbrite or on the day

Further details below

BOAT TRIPS: every 20 minutes. Book at the Information Desk.

WORKSHOPS: Canal Art Painting, Wire Sculptures, Canal Critters. Family wooden boat making 12-2.00 each day. Alpona Painting Saturday only.

ACTIVITIES: Mahogany Carnival Costumes, Geezers with Games, Henna painting (11-1.00), Mr Bubbles.

FILM SHOW: on a boat. 11.30-12.00, 12.15-12.45, 1.00-1.30, 2.15-2.45, 3.00-3.30, 3.45-4.15, 4.30-5.00 

STORYTELLING: Book at the Information Desk. 11-11.30, 11.45-12.15, 12.30-1.00, 2-2.30, 2.45-3.15, 3.30-4.00, 4.15-4.45

POND DIPPINGSunday only: Book at the Information Desk. 11.00, 11.45, 12.30, 1.30, 2.15, 3.00, 3.45, 4.30

STALLS: Matchgirls Memorial Campaign, Bow Heritage Trail (Sunday only), London Canal Museum, Friends of Mile End Park, Regent’s Canal Heritage Tombola, Zacchaeus Project, Inland Waterways Association, E1 Waterbirds (Saturday) and Cranbrook Community Garden (Sunday).

FOOD: East End WI Tea and cakes, ice cream & Aman’s Punjabi Kitchen on the forecourt, One Two More Pizza (on a boat).

MUSIC: All day on the island. Including: Esther Whyatt, Bengali Dance by Udichi School of Performing Arts, Pan Vibration (Steel Pan), Bow Django (Swing with a twist), Niki Stevens (indie folk and blues), LunaBarge (folk duo), Schembe Soup, and Abdiel's Pearl