Tuesday, 30 January 2018

MEOTRA Neighbourhood Planning Event - Sunday 4th February 1.30-4.30

Flyer for the MEOTRA and Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Planning Event

This coming Sunday, 4th February,  MEOTRA are co-hosting a planning event from 1.30 to 4.30PM at the Art Pavilion. All the details are above on the flyer. This event forms part of the process of formulating the  Roman Road and Bow Neighbourhood Plan. Please do pop along if only for part of the time.

We will be walking around the MEOTRA area to start with (leaving the Art Pavilion around 1.30 and returning by 2.30) to help prompt us in thinking about what we like and dislike about our area. Upon returning to the Pavilion there will a chance for some light refreshments, children's activities, local musicians and a chance to literally map out your thoughts about our part of Bow - particularly the kind of developments and businesses we would like to see encouraged or discouraged.

If the weather is horrid the event will still go ahead, but we may limit the outdoor element. We'll play it by ear. 

The Friends of Mile End Park and Antill Road Residents' Association will be our co-hosts, together with members of the Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Plan Forum.

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Your Roman Road Habits - A Short Survey by the Roman Road Trust

A black and white photo of shoppers at the Roman Road Market.

Do you shop on Roman Road? If not where do you go? And how do you get about? What do you think would make Roman Road a better high street in terms of shopping and transport?

Please tell the Roman Road Trust about your shopping and travel habits by completing this short survey and help them get a better understanding of how transport impacts our local economy.