Monday 26 April 2021

Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Plan - deadline for feedback is Tuesday 27th April


Link to an electronic copy of the Bow Neighbourhood Plan

MEOTRA residents will recall MEOTRA has participated in formulating the Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood plan for some five years now and we have numerous website articles dedicated to it (see 1, 2 3, 4, 56, 7, 8, 9).

This video gives a TWO minute reminder of what neighbourhood plans are all about.

The deadline for feeding back on the draft Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Plan is tomorrow, Tuesday 27th April. The draft plan runs to some 86 pages and it references several appended documents that are similarly sized. If this plan is adopted it is valid for ten years and so your feedback is important.

Whilst the size of the documents may sound daunting, don't be put off as they contain lots of graphics and photos and you'd be surprised how quickly you can skim through them. As they are in PDF format you can also search them electronically - just hit "Ctrl +F" on your keyboard and search through them for topics that you want to find. For example if you live in Lichfield Road it is mentioned just once (regarding the Lord Tredegar). The Palm Tree three times and alas the Greedy Cow none.

The supporting and evidence documents can be found on this page

Massive apologies for getting this reminder out late to residents, but if you do have a spare 30-60 minutes then have a look at the draft plan and then submit your feedback via the contact page. Alternatively, you can email over your thoughts to:

Friday 16 April 2021

Mile End Park User Survey Extended until 23th April


Photo of the nine cygnets at the Art Pavilion Lake on the nest with their mother
Nine Cygnets!

To celebrate the hatching this morning of nine cygnets at the Art Pavilion Lake the Friends of Mile End Park are extending their park user survey until Friday 23rd April.

The next 5-6 weeks are critical for the cygnets. If you want to feed swans then give them fresh bread (mould is poisonous to them), grain such as wheat or corn, and fresh greens such as lettuce or spinach. The food should be thrown onto the water so that they can swallow water with the food – feeding them on land is environmentally unsound and encourages the swans to leave the water whenever they see people which can bring them into harm from dogs etc. If you walk your dog in the Park, then please can you keep it on its lead when near the swans and their young.

You can find lots of information about swans on the swan sanctuary website



Hopefully the Egyptian geese will put on a rival show soon

The two Egyptian Geese pacing around the Mile End Park Art Lake

Tuesday 13 April 2021

Your chance to influence Police Priorities in Bow West


Safer Neighbourhood Team

Every three months the police in Bow West meet with local residents and community leaders to help decide local policing priorities at a Ward Panel Meeting. The meeting is community led and chaired by a local [MEOTRA] resident.

We have a meeting coming up in a few weeks and PC Sam Lowe 1901CE, who is part of the Bow West Safer Neighbourhood Team, is keen for residents to take just a couple of minutes to complete a survey regarding Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) and crime within our area:

The survey helps choose the local priorities for the next three months. It is anonymous and really does only take a few minutes.

The other members of our Safer Neighbourhood Team are: PCSO Alex Adolphe, Police Sergeants Mohammed Rahman and Clare Thomas, and Police Constables Jack Green and Sam Lowe. 

You can look at recent Bow West crime data on the Met's website. The February stats are below:

A grapg comparing Bow West, London and UK crime figures

A heat map showing Bow West's harassment hotspots

A heat map showing Bow West's miscellaneous theft hotspots

A heat map showing Bow West's vehicle theft hotspots

Thursday 8 April 2021

Mile End Park - User survey


Mile End and Mile End Park mean different things to different people. Agustin Kafka has made a heart-warming song and video dedicated to Mile End based on Wings' "My Love". It features lots of local scenes including Clinton, Lichfield and Alloway Road and Morgan Street and there is some excellent air guitar.

[If you are reading this on a mobile then you won't see the video above so here's the link to it].

The Friends of Mile End Park want to know what you think of the Park. You can write a song and shoot a video if you want, but you will find it quicker to complete this short survey instead.

Let them know what you like and dislike and any ideas to improve the park. The survey results will be fed back to the Park Management Team to inform how the park is managed and your responses will help shape the Friends priorities and activities as we all emerge from lockdown this Spring.

An added incentive..... a COVID-compliant meal (ie sitting outside!) for two at the Greedy Cow. (If you want to enter the draw for the meal then please include your email at the end of the survey).

If you want to enter the Prize Draw please complete the survey by midnight on the 16th April

The Art Pavilion's resident Egyptian Geese watch locals as they get their Pfizer jabs
[A] Bird Watching Pfizer Jabbing