Friday, 16 April 2021

Mile End Park User Survey Extended until 23th April


Photo of the nine cygnets at the Art Pavilion Lake on the nest with their mother
Nine Cygnets!

To celebrate the hatching this morning of nine cygnets at the Art Pavilion Lake the Friends of Mile End Park are extending their park user survey until Friday 23rd April.

The next 5-6 weeks are critical for the cygnets. If you want to feed swans then give them fresh bread (mould is poisonous to them), grain such as wheat or corn, and fresh greens such as lettuce or spinach. The food should be thrown onto the water so that they can swallow water with the food – feeding them on land is environmentally unsound and encourages the swans to leave the water whenever they see people which can bring them into harm from dogs etc. If you walk your dog in the Park, then please can you keep it on its lead when near the swans and their young.

You can find lots of information about swans on the swan sanctuary website



Hopefully the Egyptian geese will put on a rival show soon

The two Egyptian Geese pacing around the Mile End Park Art Lake

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