Monday, 9 September 2019

Tudor Sights & Sounds - Bow Church Sat 14th Sept, 1-5PM

Graphic showing a range of tudor musical instruments

Courtier, or commoner, whoever you were in Tudor London daily life was an assault on the senses. Courtesy of ‘A Merrie Noyse’ and some of Bow Church's very own singers they'll bring some of the nicer experiences to life for you.

Pop into the church between 1pm and 5pm to hear music of the period – and have a chance to join in. There’ll be other fun activities too, all of which will give a glimpse of the lives of our predecessors back when Bow was a quiet hamlet by the bridge over the River Lea (long before it was the setting for Adèle’s heartbreak). Meet some minstrels, quiz them about the music, their instruments, what they’re wearing – and why – and enjoy a beverage while you’re there.