Wednesday, 29 March 2023

TfL introduce 20mph speed limit on Mile End/Bow Road from Friday 31st March

HEMS helicopter takes off from Mile End Road Junction following RTA

20mph speed limits will be introduced across 28km of roads within the boroughs of Camden, Islington, Hackney, Haringey and Tower Hamlets from 31 March. This includes Mile End and Bow Roads. 

Grove Road and Burdett Road don't seem to be included, but drivers will soon find out.

The TfL press release states:

TfL data shows 20mph speed limits are making London's roads safer and have led to a 25 per cent reduction in deaths and serious injuries within the central London Congestion Charging Zone  

Lower speed limits play a critical role in the Mayor's Vision Zero plan to eliminate deaths and serious injury on the transport network      

Indicative TfL monitoring of the 20mph speed limits introduced on roads within the central London Congestion Charging Zone shows a significant reduction in the number of collisions since its introduction. Data collected from 1st May 2020 to 30 June 2022 shows the number of collisions has reduced by 25 per cent (from 406 to 304), and collisions resulting in death or serious injury have reduced by 25 per cent (from 94 to 71), demonstrating the huge impact of lowering speeds across London. Vulnerable road users continue to be most at risk on London's roads, but since the introduction of 20mph speed limits, collisions involving vulnerable road users have decreased by 36 per cent (from 453 to 290), while collisions involving people walking have decreased by 63 per cent (from 124 to 46). 

The 20mph speed limits will be introduced on sections of the A503, A501, A41, A1, A10, A11 and A1203, and will help to make a large area of London safer and more attractive for people in these communities to live and work, encouraging more people out of their cars and to walk, cycle and use public transport more often. Enabling more people to use healthier and more sustainable forms of travel will be vital to reducing congestion and air pollution.    

The new speed limits will be supported by new signs and road markings, and TfL is working closely with the Metropolitan Police Service to ensure that drivers understand and comply with the new lower speed limits. Banners attached to streetlamps in the new 20mph areas will also be put in place to increase driver awareness of the new speed limit. Following implementation, TfL plans to carry out monitoring to determine whether further measures to further reduce vehicle speeds are required.

Saturday, 4 March 2023

Mile End Park and Ride

 Mile End Park and Ride

New parking rules which aim to help boost the local economy and make it easier to get around the borough came into effect on the 1st of February. The key changes are:

One-hour free parking near the borough's nine markets

Tower Hamlets Council has introduced one-hour free parking at its nine markets which aims to encourage more people to use their cars and so help the local economy. 

A total of 248 parking bays, within approximately 100 metres of a market, now offer one-hour's free parking. To book a slot phone 020 3046 0010 or download the RingGo app on your phone. You can then choose to extend your stay by paying for parking if you wish.

Changes to resident parking in the borough

Instead of the 16 mini parking zones we have had for a number of years, the borough has changed back to four larger areas. The aim is to make it easier for people to find a space to park in the borough.

If you have any B permit you can park, all day during the controlled hours, in any of the B Zones. The same applies to holders of any A, C or D permits. You can park all day in any of the zones which have the same letter as your permit. You do not need to reapply for a parking permit as the update has been made automatically. 

Have you noticed any difference?

It has now been just over a month since the changes came into effect. Have you noticed any difference? Yours truly doesn't drive, and has found the substantial traffic from the back-to-back Thames Water roadworks on Grove Road since Christmas more of a problem. But it does seems there are more cars parked up on our streets now.

Residents from across the B Zone (which stretches from East India Dock Road all the way up to the top of Victoria Park; and from the Regents Canal over to the Olympic Stadium) can now drive and park in one of MEOTRA's 13 streets in what one wit has dubbed Mile End Park and Ride. Have you noticed any positives yet? If this is causing you problems please let us know, especially if you have mobility issues.

Division Example: 16 divided by 4 = 4

4 days left to respond! New Tower Hamlets Local Plan Engagement

Local Plan Tower Hamlets

There are just 4 days left to respond to Tower Hamlets Council's Local Plan Early Engagement.

This early engagement is the start of the discussion which will support the production of a new Local Plan. Your input is a valuable part of the preparation process for and will inform the development of new policies to help shape the future of the places we live.The engagement document runs to some 96 pages, but has lots of photos and you can get through he whole thing in about an hour, alternatively use the StoryMap link below.

There are three key ways to get involved:
  1. View the interactive StoryMap platform which goes through each policy theme and provides an opportunity for comments on each.
  2. Complete the online survey
  3. Provide written comments to the council by email to or by post to Strategic Planning Team, Tower Hamlets Town Hall, 160 Whitechapel Road, London, E1 1BJ
Of these I found the StoryMap the easiest. You just go to that website and scroll through and it asks questions along the way.  IMPORTANTLY  you don't have to complete every section. I'd suggest you read the first five sections to get the overall guist (see 1-5 below), and then skip to the sections you feel most strongly about.

The process involves these subheadings:
  1. About this StoryMap
  2. What is a Local Plan?
  3. Local Plan process
  4. Vision
  5. Context
  6. Homes for the future
  7. Employment and economic growth
  8. People, places and spaces
  9. Clean and green future
  10. Town centres
  11. Community infrastructure
  12. Biodiversity and open spaces
  13. Movement and connectivity
  14. Reuse, recycling and waste
  15. Delivering the Local Plan Vision 
  16. Site allocations

The Tower Hamlets Local Plan Road Map