Thursday, 11 July 2019

Mile End Park: Community Fair and Dog Show: This Sunday 14th July 11-4PM

Park Life: The Friends of Mile End Park Community Fair and Dog Show

Mile End Park's Dog Show and Community Fair is just a few days away and is going to be jam-packed with something for everyone. It takes place just off Grove Road between the Texaco Garage and the Britannia Fish Bar.

Activities Galore
Face Painting | The Ice Run Adventure | The Horizontal Bungee | Go Karts |
Coconut Shy | Bouncy Castle | Inflatable Mid Dragon Slide
Climbing Wall | Inflatable 5-a-side Football Pitch | Jewellery Making | Rollapaluza

  Animal Wardens' Advice Stall | Friends of Mile End Park | Arts and Crafts 

Smoothie Bikes | Ice Cream Van | Onion Bhajis & Samosas | Free Fruit 

And of Course The Dog Show which this year is being looked after by The Tower Hamlets' Animal Warden Service. There will be TEN categories including:
    1. Most Fabulous Fella
    2. Loveliest Lady
    3. Most Endearing Rescue Dog
    4. Most Courageous Golden Oldie (7 and over)
    5. Best Puppy (under 12 months)
    6. Best Trick
    7. Look-a-like (Dog most like their owner)
    8. Dog and Bone race (dog on lead)*
Prize rosettes for the top four in each category with each winner receiving a gift donated by Hounds of Bow. Each category winner will be entered into the Best in Show competition at the end to win a trophy.

*Still working on this one, but it is likely to be a "treat and spoon" race with a statutory sit halfway. No eating the treat until the end!

Facepainters at the Mile End Park Community Fair

Mile End Park Dog Show: Rescue Dog Category

Mile End Park Dog Show - Winner

Princess Fendi of Pomerania
Fendi getting her fur done ahead of the Show

Friday, 5 July 2019

MEOTRA Fun Day - Sunday 7th July 2-5PM FREE (Tredegar Square)

Alice Seille mans the Splat-the-Rat stall

This Sunday, 7th July, we are holding our annual Fun Day in Tredegar Square from 2-5PM

This is a FREE event organised by the MEOTRA committee for residents.

There will be free bouncy castles, splat the rat, face painting and music. It is a very child-friendly event.

Residents can bring along items they'd like to sell and set up their own stalls (or use a blanket). They can keep the money the proceeds or donate them for their favourite charity. There will be a variety of book, plant, cake, and refreshment stalls so bring some money if you want to buy anything.

The afternoon is a great chance to have a chat with neighbours, let the kids find new local friendships or have a picnic if you like.