Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Ditch The Witch - Friday 31st 6-9PM

Tower Hamlets Council's artwork for the Ditch the Witch Halloween event

The clocks have changed, it's getting dark earlier and yes now it's time for Mile End and Victoria Parks' annual Halloween "Parks after Dark" tour. Details are above and booking is essential. The event consists of a scary tour around both parks with stories at certain points and scares throughout the tour. If you are a big kid there are varied volunteer tasks from helping to set up earlier in the day to dressing up to be a scare along the route and storytelling.

Please let Dave Hime at Victoria Park know asap if you are interested in helping out with any of the above tasks on 020 7364 7968 or

Saturday, 4 October 2014

"Crossrail for Bikes" Proposals Put Forward

Cycle Superhighway CS2 Mile End Section

Transport for London have recently put forward their plans to upgrade the existing Barclays Cycle Superhighway Route 2 (CS2) between Aldgate and Bow roundabout. The proposals would mean substantial changes to the road layout including a segregated cycle track to separate cyclists from other traffic, designed to offer safety for cyclists. To make room for the cycle track, the width of the pavement will be reduced in certain areas and some junctions will include banning some turns for motorists.

The Aldgate to Bow section of CS2 has seen seven cyclist fatalities in the last three years and it is no great surprise that Barts NHS Health is one of the 50 London businesses supporting the proposals.

The MEOTRA section of the route proposes a major redesign of the Mile End Junction (see here for bigger maps) and introduces a ban on motor vehicles making right hand turns from Burdett Road into Mile End/Bow Road and from Mile End Road into Burdett Road. Since there are no alternative main routes, the effect will be to divert traffic night and day (c.450 vehicles per hour at peak) into the residential roads of Mile End Old Town in order to approach the Mile End Road/Burdett Road junction via Grove Road from where access to Mile End/Bow Road and Burdett Road will be permitted.

Further details of the proposals are on the following TFL website pages:

Our local Mayor, Lutfur Rahman, has written to Boris Johnson detailing his concerns "to protect Whitechapel Market", although he has made no mention of his thoughts on the rest of the route including the MEOTRA section.

You can feedback your thoughts on the proposals at a special TFL Page The consultation ends on 2 November.

MEOTRA will be having a short "site meeting" on Sunday 12th October at 10.30am (meeting by Meades) if you would like to join us followed most likely with a coffee in Grove Road's Coffee Room