Tuesday 26 April 2016

Bow Arts' Open Studios 2016

Bow Arts’ annual open studios contain some of the most vibrant and well-attended arts events in London. They are a wonderful opportunity for members of the public to explore a vast and diverse selection of work and to meet some of East London's brightest emerging and established artists. They are also a celebration of all things art, with many of the events featuring live music, pop-up food stalls, arts markets, bars, workshops and more.
The 21st edition of Bow Open Studios. runs across Friday 17 & Saturday 18 June 2016 with the open studios showcasing the work of over 150 of the studio artists based at Bow Road.
In addition to the Bow Open Studios, this year two new open studios events have been added to their calendar, with the inaugural editions of St Katharine's ArtSpace Open Studios and Rum Factory Open Studios.
Dates for Open Studios 2016 are:
Saturday 30 April 2-8pm - St Katharine's Open Studios 2016
Saturday 14 May 2-8pm Rum Factory Open Studios 2016
Friday 17 June 6-10pm & Saturday 18 June 1-7pm - Bow Open Studios 2016

Friday 8 April 2016

MEOTRA Spring 2016 Newsletter

The cover banner for our latest MEOTRA newsletter

The latest MEOTRA newsletter should be landing on your doorstep any day soon. It contains lots of articles including info on the forthcoming AGM, a new initiative to enhance Tredegar Square, local planning news, some important crime-related information and lots of other news snippets.

Now around this time every year, both I and the newsletter editor scratch our heads (not each others - we're not that close), and try to think "How can we encourage MEOTRA members to come to the AGM?" Of course, we provide wine and nibbles. We even stretch to soft drinks. And the local coppers will be there to brief us on local crime matters. But what else can we try? How about: "If you come to the AGM it will put money in your pocket". That's the best I can come up with. A good residents association (according to estate agents) will add to the value of your house, not quite as much as having a Waitrose nearby, but hey its a start.

So I look forward to seeing you at the AGM. I rent, so increasing a property's value is the last thing I want. But nibbles and wine - I can't resist them.

Sunday 3 April 2016

St George's Day Tea Dance - Wed 20th April 2-4.30PM

Dancing at the Art Pavilion's St George's Tea Dance

The Art Pavilion will rock and roll, twist and shout on Wednesday 20th April when it hosts the St George's Day Tea Dance from 2-4.30PM

This annual Tea Dance for Tower Hamlets residents over 50, has live music from The Sunshine Kings, dance host Tony Lane and refreshments to help you dance the afternoon away, and raise a teacup to the Queen in celebration of her 90th Birthday!

The event is free of charge but advance booking is essential. 

Booking opens on Monday 4th April
Please reserve your place by calling 020 7364 7900 between 9.30am and 1pm, Monday to Friday or by emailing festivalsandevents@towerhamlets.gov.uk