Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Our Annual General Meeting: This Thursday Evening

This Thursday evening is MEOTRA's Annual General Meeting at 7.30PM in the Epiphanus church, Lichfield Rd.

The agenda is below, but we are particularly pleased to have two guest speakers: A TFL representative to discuss the CS2 Cycle superhighway upgrade taking place literally on some of our doorsteps; and Megan Bushell from the Metropolitan Police's local neighbourhood team.

This is a rare opportunity to raise any issues you may have regarding the CS2 scheme (ie the introduction of two banned right turns from Burdett Road into Mile End Road and also Mile End Road into Burdett Road)

Megan from the Metropolitan Police, who is I'm sure already known to many residents, will discuss issues including anti-social behaviour in Clinton Road and the increase in burglaries in Lichfield Road.

Please do make an effort to come along and raise any questions and voice any concerns you may have.

  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Minutes of 2014 AGM
  4. Treasurer’s Report 
  5. Chairman’s Report
  6. Election of committee officers
  7. Any other business
  8. Guest Speaker from TFL discussing the CS2 Cycle Superhighway followed by questions
  9. Guest Speaker Metropolitan Police Officer Megan Bushell followed by questions
  10. Close of AGM