Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Bow Church Chocolate Morning Saturday 2nd March 11am-1pm

Flyer for the Bow Church "Chocolate" Event

St Mary's Bow Church is having a "chocolate morning" on Saturday 2nd March from 11am to 1 o'clock.

The event is part of FairTrade Fortnight which raises awareness about the issues affecting cocoa farmers.

Chocolate cakes, tasting and drinks - what's not to like?!

Sunday, 3 February 2019

Save the Whitechapel Bell Foundry

Lithograph of the Save the Whitechapel Bell Foundry logo

Bells have been cast in Whitechapel since 1363, and the developers Raycliff Capital are attempting to end this tradition by turning the truly historic Whitechapel Bell Foundry into a "boutique hotel".

Further background information (which stretches to some 182 documents) is available on the council website (PA/19/00008/A1) and the ever excellent Spitalfields Life blog whose writer The Gentle Author gives the following advice on how to object to the scheme:


Use your own words and add your own personal reasons for opposing the development. Any letters which simply duplicate the same wording will count only as one objection.

  1. Quote the application reference: PA/19/00008/A1
  2. Give your full name and postal address. You do not need to be a resident of Tower Hamlets or the United Kingdom to register a comment but unless you give your postal address your objection will be discounted.
  3. Be sure to state clearly that you are OBJECTING to Raycliff Capital’s application.
  4. Point out the ‘OPTIMUM VIABLE USE’ for the Whitechapel Bell Foundry is as a foundry, not a boutique hotel.
  5. Emphasise that you want it to continue as a foundry and there is a viable proposal to deliver this.
  6. Request the council refuse Raycliff Capital’s application for change of use from foundry to hotel.


You can write an email to planningandbuilding@towerhamlets.gov.uk


you can post your objection direct on the website by following this link to Planning and entering the application reference PA/19/00008/A1


you can send a letter to:
Town Planning, Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG