Saturday, 1 November 2014

Remembrance Weekend Events at St Mary's Church (Bow Church): 8 & 9th November

Zeppelins over Bow artwork

On Sunday 9 November, at St Mary's church (Bow Church) there will be a special First World War memorial event entitled "Zeppelins Over Bow". This is a specially written production of readings, songs and the stories of local people.  The performance starts at 7.00pm but the church will be open at 6.00pm for refreshments. Before the performance begins there will be a reading of the names of the men from the parishes of St Mary's and Holy Trinity who died in the war and whose names are recorded on the memorials in the church.

Two services will also remember the sufferings of the First World War:
  • On Saturday 8 November, gathering in front of the memorial chapel, we take part in our annual service of remembrance with members of the Tower Hamlets Old Comrades Association. This is always a moving occasion. The service starts at 10.30am and lasts for about half an hour. Tea and biscuits will be available from 10.00am. 
  • On Remembrance Sunday, 9 November, our morning service (which starts at 10.30) will include the re-dedication of two restored plaques which remember the men of Holy Trinity who died in the First World War.

MEOTRA members would be most welcome at any of these events.

(You can download and print a copy of the above poster here)