Sunday, 28 April 2013

Report on the MEOTRA AGM

Thursday's AGM was a good opportunity to socialise with neighbours from the MEOTRA area over a glass or two of wine and some nibbles.

The "formal" AGM itself went very smoothly and as well as reflecting on MEOTRA's two organised events of the last 12 months (the ever popular carol-singing and Fun Day) there was  discussion on issues affecting the MEOTRA area. In particular: the increased litter since the opening of Subway at 395 Mile End Road (on the corner with Grove Road); filming in Tredegar Square; creating an email list to aid communication between members; planning concerns; and a number of other issues.

The 2012 committee were re-elected (although there was an appeal for new members to come forward and help out.!)

Thursday, 18 April 2013

MEOTRA Annual General Meeting

This year's AGM will take place on Thursday 25th April 2013 at 7.30PM. The venue is Epainus Ministries Church in Lichfield Road with refreshments from 7:00PM and the meeting itself at 7.30PM.

Come and find out what ME
OTRA has achieved in the past year.

We'll also be electing the new MEOTRA committee at the AGM. Please consider joining the committee - we only meet 3-4 times a year and it isn't too onerous. If you are want to find out more about the different committee roles then get in touch.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Latest MEOTRA Newsletter Available

Filming in Tredegar Square. Photo by Allan Cousins

The latest MEOTRA newsletter is now available. If you can't wait for yours to be delivered then you can download it here