Sunday, 14 September 2014

Next MEOTRA Committee Meeting - 28th October

Wordcloud of issues and characters in Bow
The next MEOTRA committee meeting is coming up on the 28th of October. If there is anything in particular you would like us to discuss then please let Joan our secretary know. Some items we are quite likely to discuss include:

  • Carols in the Square - when?, testing the mulled wine recipe...
  • The Art Pavilion - 6 months on what effect has the change of use had on MEOTRA (especially Clinton Rd) residents?
  • Victoria Park Events - Lovebox, Field Day, Boishakhi Mela. How was the 2014 festival season for residents? Litter, parking, noise, lack of loos. What shall we feedback to the council?
  • Litter & Rubbish - What can MEOTRA and its members do to help  ensure our area is litter and rubbish free?
  • Planning - Any concerns?