Monday, 20 July 2015

Lovebox - How was it for you?

Bin bags on railings in Grove road during Lovebox
No shortage of bins. Just a shortage of folk willing to use them?

So how was Lovebox for you?

MEOTRA will be feeding back to the organisers and Tower Hamlets Council how the event went from OUR perspective. MEOTRA attended the pre-lovebox meeting way back in February. Only seven members of the public came (including two from MEOTRA and Cllr Josh Peck)

At that meeting we asked for toilets opposite Mile End Station, in Mile End Park (bus turnaround and opposite the Victoria); lots more rubbish collections throughout the day, more stewards (and for them not to be just leaning on a bollard texting all day) and  more enforcements regarding dealing of nitrous oxide (aka laughing gas - the "legal" high).

We emphasised that festivals don't just affect those living around the park, and that the majority of punters pass through MEOTRA's streets as they walk from Mile End station to Victoria Park.  The organisers agreed to include affected streets in the free local ballot for tickets.

We managed to get most of the above concessions. But were they enough? Please let us know. Also let us know of any other problems you experienced over the weekend as a result of the festivities.

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

MEOTRA FUN DAY Sunday 5th July 2-5PM

Graphic illustrating all the activities at the MEOTRA Fun Day
It's MEOTRA's Annual Fun Day this coming Sunday. All the details you need are above in our colourful flyer. It is always a great, relaxing, child-friendly event. I'm looking forward to some home-made cakes and lemonade. Hope to see you there and (as ever) fingers crossed for the weather.