Work started this morning and continues for the next 58 weeks on upgrading the existing Cycle Superhighway Route Number 2 (aka CS2U).
I've scoured the web to find changes made to the route as a result of the Autumn consultation. Unfortunately the views of local people, including cyclists, regarding the MEOTRA section of the route have been ignored. In contrast, the section through Whitechapel has been altered significantly much to the dismay of cycling groups.
Obviously the introduction of two banned turns at the Mile End junction is highly contentious. Indeed TfL seem to be the only ones who like them! Poor Starbucks have only just opened at Mile End, but surely their outdoor table and chairs will have to go when the pavement halves in width. The report submitted to the TfL board last week has this to say about our turf:
Some features of the proposals which received negative feedback
during the public consultation have been retained. The most notable of these are:
(a) The proposed banned turns from Mile End Road into Burdett Road and from
Burdett Road into Mile End Road, Stepney Green and Leman Street to
remain, as to remove these would increase traffic queuing and there would
not be enough space for the cycle facility
(b) Taxi bay removed outside Mile End station and relocated in order to provide
a bus stop outside the station entrance.
(c) The un-segregated section adjacent to Bancroft Road to remain in the
proposals. Although using the land outside the Ocean Estate is outside the
scope of CS2U, TfL will discuss the potential for future highway widening
and potential for segregated cycle lanes with the London Borough of Tower
Hamlets, the Ocean Estate and other interested parties
(d) Bus stop bypasses remain in the proposals as a means of reducing the
potential for cyclist/bus conflict. Monitoring of the bus stop bypasses on
Cycle Superhighway route 2 at Stratford has found that only two interactions
out of 1,535 passing cycle movements resulted in the potential for a collision
with a pedestrian. No injury collisions have been recorded since these bypasses have been implemented.
The detailed results of the initial TfL consultation can be found here.
The screen grab below shows how the focus of the works will change over the 58 weeks. I guess at least MEOTRA gets done first although this will take from February to August. As far as I can tell the chestnut trees along Mile End Road are safe, although one tree on the Southern-side of Mile End Rd (near Coborn Street) is due to be felled.
The second screen grab illustrates the expected congestion, not helped of course by the loss of a lane on Burdett Road due to the Crossrail work.
So batten down the hatches, We've 58 weeks of disruption on its way. Lovebox weekend should be even more fun this year.