Thursday, 15 November 2018

Tredegar Square bulb planting - Saturday 16th Nov 10-1

Photomontage showing the planting spots within Tredegar Square Gardens

This Saturday MEOTRA are planting some bulbs in the two fenced off areas of Tredegar Square starting at 10am and finishing by 1PM. We have around 400 hyacinth bulbs, some daffs and snowdrops.

Please do come and join us if you can, if only for a while. It is usually a nice friendly occasion and a good chance to meet your neighbours.

We have quite a lot of tools including gloves, hand trowels, both long-handled and regular bulb planters, some foam kneeling mats and even have a couple of augers with cordless electric drills that make easy work of solid ground.

If you prefer to use your own kit please do. Some compost would be helpful if you have some spare!

The other week three of us managed to plant 2000 bulbs in Mile End Park in just a few hours and so don't be put off by 400-odd!

The weather forecast is looking pretty good for Saturday (and Sunday). After the planting, we'll probably go to The Coffee Room for refreshments and a chat.

If there is the time we might do some weeding and planting a few bulbs in the area we overhauled last year. The area is looking a bit "tired" as they say.

A circular flower bed within Tredegar Square Gardens