New parking rules which aim to help boost the local economy and make it easier to get around the borough came into effect on the 1st of February. The key changes are:
One-hour free parking near the borough's nine markets
Tower Hamlets Council has introduced one-hour free parking at its nine markets which aims to encourage more people to use their cars and so help the local economy.
A total of 248 parking bays, within approximately 100 metres of a market, now offer one-hour's free parking. To book a slot phone 020 3046 0010 or download the RingGo app on your phone. You can then choose to extend your stay by paying for parking if you wish.
Changes to resident parking in the borough
Instead of the 16 mini parking zones we have had for a number of years, the borough has changed back to four larger areas. The aim is to make it easier for people to find a space to park in the borough.
If you have any B permit you can park, all day during the controlled hours, in any of the B Zones. The same applies to holders of any A, C or D permits. You can park all day in any of the zones which have the same letter as your permit. You do not need to reapply for a parking permit as the update has been made automatically.
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