Saturday 19 November 2022

Petition Supporting the Chisenhale School Street

Montage Photo representing the issues and characters involved in the Save Chisenhale School Street Campaign

ITV News, BBC London News, Time Out, Evening Standard, The Guardian, BBC Newsround, The Independent and many others have all featured the recent decision by Mayor Lutfur Rahman to remove the Chisenhale School street and playspace.

London has over 530 schoolstreets and we as a borough look to be on a path to remove the 26 school streets we have as part of our Mayor's pledge to "reopen the roads". Sadiq Khan has urged our Mayor to reconsider: "London needs more school streets not fewer".

Numerous families within MEOTRA have children at Chisenhale School and have been key to the campaign. Both our Bow West Councillors (Nathalie of the Greens and Asma from Labour) have been working hard to engage with the council administration and bring all parties together.

Confusion, misinformation and the speed with which the announcement was made (the day half term started) has led to Bow becoming very polarised over the matter. Does the PTA and school accept the land grab of the PlaySpace should go? Are local residents OK with regular timed closures during drop off and pickup time (such as we have locally at Malmesbury School)? We need to find common ground and bring Bow together over this and not let it create a divide.

There is a currently a petition on the council website requesting that our Executive Mayor CONSULT with residents, parents and the school. Please consider signing it. 

Petition on Chisenhale School street

If the petition reaches 2,000 signatures then it will get a full 30 minute debate at the next full council meeting.

If you'd like to read a pretty balanced article about the issue then our local Roman Road "The Slice" actually is probably the best starting point.

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