The other week Anti-Social Behaviour reached a new low in Tredegar Square with a car being driven into the middle of Tredegar Square one night for a party.
Since COVID first came to town Tower Hamlets Council have stopped locking the Square. This was understandable when we were all trying to maintain social distancing and going for exercise at all hours. But now it is just being done to save money.
Apparently our balloon blowing, happy crack NOX inhaling visitors, decided to open up the Square's gates and drove a car into the park at around 10.30 one night. They continued to clown around with their balloon party packs until the police came along with their blues and twos flashing.
If you witnessed this bizarre incident please get in touch with any further details you may have so MEOTRA can put this to the council and local police team. Any photos would be especially welcome.
Currently the under-resourced police are having to come far too often to sort out this easily preventable ASB. We know the police have better things to do with their time and are ramping up our efforts to get the gates locked like they have have been for many, many years.
Safer Communities Engagement Day in Tredegar Square (26/01/2023)
On Thursday the 26th January 2023 our council's safer communities mobile unit will be coming to Tredegar Square. It will be here 9am to 12pm and there will be a safety walkabout from 5PM-7PM.
It will provide us with a face to face opportunity to speak with the police, council officers and partner agencies about our local concerns. If you unable to attend, or are shy, then please drop us a note with any concerns (What, When, Where etc) and we will pass it on anonymously for you.
Information about police ward panel meetings will also be available ( this was discussed in a previous MEOTRA post recently).
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