Sunday, 30 October 2022

Bow West Police Survey

 Metropolitan Police "SAfer Neighbourhood" sign

Our local borough Safer Neighbourhoods Team for Bow West Ward currently has an online survey available. The "Bow West October 2022 Virtual Ward Survey" only takes a minute or two to fill out and is an excellent opportunity for you to let the local police know about issues affecting you here in Bow.

Whilst completing the survey you have the opportunity to detail particular issues and can give very granular details such as the street name, times etc. I would really encourage you to do this. Such data is used to set local policing priorities.


Bow West Police Ward Panel - Get Involved!

Safer Neighbourhood Teams in London aim to hold quarterly "ward panel meetings".These meetings allow residents to talk directly with the police, councillors, and other key parties such as Tower Hamlets Homes about local issues. Importantly, local policing priorities are set at these meetings.

Unfortunately due to COVID, staffing, volunteer and other issues our own Bow West Panel hasn't been meeting as often as it should. Meotra, together with our two local councillors Asma Begum and Nathalie Bienfait, and Alex and Barny from the local police, having been working behind the scenes to get these useful meetings going again.

Meotra always sends a representative (indeed Roshan, a MEOTRA committee member, has chaired the meeting for many years), but we are really keen to encourage fresh faces to come along. If you'd be interested in attending then please put your contact details in the MPS survey, and/or get in touch with us via for more info.

Be Kept Informed About Local Policing Issues.

You might also want to sign up to be kept informed via the following social media platforms:

Twitter: @MPSBowWest | @MPSTowerHam | @metpoliceuk

You can get in touch with the Bow West police via

Monthly Crime Data is available on the MPS Crime Dashboard and here. It is highly searchable right down to the ward level. It is extremely detailed - it even lists the number of fish stolen in May 2022 in Bow West 

Bow WEst CRime Map

Graph showing monthly variation in phone theft  in Bow West
Mobile Phone Theft in Tower Hamlets

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