Friday, 4 November 2022

Fancy some Bulb Planting in Mile End Park this weekend?

Photo of MEOTRA residents (of all ages) at a previous woodland bulb session

This weekend the Friends of Mile End Park are holding some woodland bulb planting sessions in the park. Pop along and help out if you can even if it is just for an hour or so. 

For many, this time of year sees a succession of events that we don’t need to check the calendar for: the clocks change; Halloween follows, then Bonfire Night and then of course Remembrance Day. But it is also when "Friends of Parks" up and down the country, plant tens, if not hundreds of thousands of bulbs.The Friends of Mile End Park  literally has a shed load of native woodland bulbs to bury. 

The sessions are from 10-12 and 1-3 on both Saturday and Sunday. The weather is looking "alright".

Further information (What/When/Where/How etc) is on the Friends of Mile End Park webpage

If you are out walking the dog or taking a stroll just say "Hi"

Photo of FOMEP stalwarts Gail and Steph enjoying bulb planting last Autumn

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