Sunday, 1 April 2018

April Fool's Joke - Gated Development

MEOTRA to become a gated-development
1st April 2018
My April Fool's Day article about turning Tredegar Square Conservation Area into a gated development got a very wide range of responses.

Many wanted to know the date of the referendum. There were concerns about how deliveries would get in; tradesmen refusing to provide services if they had to pay to park within the MEOTRA citadel;  residents wanting to make sure their house lies within the area; and celebrations that it would mean the end of police horse poop in our streets. I even had an "Angry of Bow" disgusted at our NIMBYISM.

Alas there are no plans to fortify our streets. Though the reduction in traffic, noise, pollution, crime, insurance premiums and anti-social behaviour are desirable, this Utopia is unlikely to come our way any time soon, certainly not via the Localism Act.

I did put some subtle clues in the article: 
  • There is no such thing as "Bow Neighbourhood".
  • I suggested visitors could obtain entry cards from Robert's Ye Olde Corner Shoppe, but that would be difficult as it lies INSIDE the proposed gated area.
  • The link to the council website doesn't work and if you look at the web address it says "APRIL FOOLS DAY" at the end.
  • If you click on the link it starts to compose an email with "April Fool's Day" as the subject line (though this wasn't in earlier emails)
Just to reassure you, that is it for the year - no more false articles. Honest!

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