Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Tower Hamlets Cycling and Walking Mayoral Hustings (April 5, 6.45PM)

Flyer for the forthcoming cycling and walking Tower Hamlets Mayoral Hustings

It was great to see so many residents at our recent AGM. There seemed to be genuine interest in the committee's focus for this year - exploring how we can improve our neighbourhood in terms of traffic levels, vehicles using side roads as cut throughs, air and noise pollution and re-prioritising road space in favour of people for walking and cycling.

This Thursday (see above) there is an opportunity to meet five of the candidates for the forthcoming Tower Hamlets Mayoral elections and quiz them on what they aim to do to improve our streets. 

The Tower Hamlets Wheelers (which represents hundreds of cyclists in the borough) has recently published a cycling manifesto for Tower Hamlets. One of their asks is that low traffic neighbourhoods are created across the borough and this is something that we would welcome in MEOTRA.

If any of you have any ideas then please email

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