Friday, 20 April 2018

This Weekend's Events in Bow

Flyers for this weekend's events in Bow

This weekend sees a medley of events in our area:

Urban Makers Spring Eco Market (Sat-Sun 11-5)
Breath Clean Workshops (2.30-4.30)
Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Forum AGM (3-5)

Urban Makers Spring Eco Market (Sat-Sun 11-5, Ecology Pavilion, Mile End Park)
Spread over two days this event has been carefully curated to have a green focus. As well as lots of handmade goods and designs, the makers have been carefully chosen for their eco-credentials.

Alongside the market there are lots of activities both inside and outside the Pavilion for the younger ones, including sewing workshops, pond dipping, an Art workshop with Dulcimer Draws, make your own soap with MBotanicals.

Breath Clean Workshops (2.30-4.30, Idea Store Bow)
Breathe Clean are providing Tower Hamlets residents with the materials & training needed to monitor nitrogen dioxide levels around the places that matter to them. Participants will measure the air quality at a number of locations over a period of six months, to get a more granular picture of the situation in the borough. The data from the Breathe Clean project will be made available on Mapping for Change’s community maps webpage. This workshop introduces the methodology used.

Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Forum AGM (3-5)
The Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Forum will be holding its first Annual General Meeting on Saturday 21st April from 3-5pm at St Paul’s Church, E3 5JL. Pop along to meet your Neighbourhood Forum, find out learnings from previous consultations, and discover the Forum’s plans for 2018.

The Forum is a group of local residents, businesses, and community groups who share an interest in planning issues that impact the local neighbourhood.

As a Forum member you can have as little as much involvement as you like. This can range from joining the Steering Group to attending the occasional consultation events. All Forum members receive newsletter updates and will have the opportunity to Vote on planning policies when they come to be written.

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