Sunday, 15 April 2018

Beer Barrels & Brewhouses - Exploring the Brewing Heritage of the East End

Photomontage showing the Brewing Heritage of the East End

Over 200 breweries - including household names such as Truman's, Charrington's and Taylor Walker - have brewed beer in London's East End. Yet today, much of that heritage remains hidden. 

A new 80-page booklet - developed by local residents - uncovers this remarkable heritage and allows us a glimpse into the emergent new micro-breweries, championing the art of brewing beer once again in the East End.

Cover of the "Beer Barrels and Brewhouses" booklet

The booklet is available online (click here or the image above) and I've found it a really wonderful read and it managed to leave me with quite a thirst.

I have also dropped off some free hard copies with Robert at Ye Olde Corner Shoppe in Morgan Street who stocks a fine range of the new craft beers mentioned towards the end of the booklet.

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