Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Forum Annual General Meeting - Sat 16th July, 2.30PM

 Map of the Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Planning area

The Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Forum Annual General Meeting (AGM) is next Saturday 16th July 2.30 pm, St. Paul's Old Ford, St. Stephen's Road, E3.

Your support is needed as the neighbourhood plan approaches the crucial final stage of a local referendum.

After more than six years of community engagement, research and writing, the finalised neighbourhood plan for Bow has now been scrutinized by an independent examiner. The examiner required some minor modifications to improve some maps and add small amounts of text for clarification, but concluded:

'I recommend that the Plan, once modified, proceeds to referendum on the basis that it has met all the relevant legal requirements.'


The new Council cabinet has taken longer than expected to consider this recommendation, but it is hoped to make a decision on 1st August. If the examiner's recommendation is accepted, a local referendum on the plan will then have to take place by mid-October. Everyone will be able to vote who lives in the plan area and is able to vote in local Council elections.

If a majority vote in favour of the plan, it will guide decisions over the use and development of land and future planning applications in Bow until 2031. It will become part of the statutory development plan for the area, sitting under the Tower Hamlets Local Plan 2031 and the London Plan 2021.

What are the main themes of the plan?

•     A thriving high street and local economy
•     Green streets that encourage walking and cycling
•     Beautiful public spaces
•     New life for our local heritage
•     High quality affordable housing
•     A resilient and well-networked community infrastructure

Where can I read the draft plan?

The plan and supporting evidence is on the Forum website

How can I get involved?

•    You can join via their website. Joining entitles you to vote at Forum meetings
•    Come to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 16th July
•    Consider joining the Forum committee, which will be elected at the AGM

The Forum needs more people to help steer the plan through these final stages. The committee currently meets online once a month. They would love to hear from you if you are interested. Please send a short email saying in a few sentences who you are and why you want to join their committee to: forum@romanroadbowneighbourhoodplan.org

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