Monday, 14 December 2020

Tower Hamlets - ANYONE can now get COVID-19 tested including those without symptoms


A model of the COVID-19 spike protein virus

On Sunday Tower Hamlets Council announced that ANYONE in the borough is now able to get tested for COVID-19 including those without symptoms. This follows a worrying rise in Covid-19 cases locally.

For MEOTRA residents this is literally a walk in the park, as the Walk-in Test Centre is situated at Mile End Park's Art Pavilion (just behind the Grove Road Texaco Garage).

On Sunday afternoon there were some 400 tests available in the next couple of days at this local centre.

To book a test visit: When you arrive on the website, select... 1️⃣ No - not an essential worker 2️⃣ No symptoms 3️⃣ No - not part of a trial 4️⃣ My council has asked me

It takes around 5 minutes to fill out the online form and I found it easiest to do on a smartphone (less questions it seemed).

I know it may seem pointless to get tested if you don't have symptoms, but it isn't. Around 80% of infections are mild or asymptomatic but these folk can still pass the virus on to. So the more testing we do the more we can break the chain of transmission.

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