Tuesday, 18 August 2015

News about the CS2 Upgrade - Traffic, Trees & Trash. Part III: Trash

Something TfL didn't plan for, but should have, was how LBTH could continue to collect the refuse from either businesses or residents along the CS2U construction route.

This has led to piles of rubbish of proportions not seen in Bow since the 3-day week. The litter mountain below left grew over a course of a few days in Eric Street, until Cllr Josh Peck was alerted and dealt with it quickly.

The huge pile of rubbish piled 12ft high by Mile End station
Ain't no mountain high enough for Veolia it seems

If you are looking at the photo above right and thinking perhaps Rachel Whiteread has returned to Mile End with a new art installation "Talkin' Rubbish", then I'm sorry to disappoint. It is actually the phone box opposite Keatons in Mile End Road - another by-product of the TfL planning process.

If you see piles of rubbish, litter or  issues then please report using the FixMyStreet website, iPhone or Android Apps. The issue will then be passed on automatically to the council and posted online.

Putting reports online has several benefits. Others can quickly see what has already been reported, so it prevents the council from having to deal with duplicates. It also creates a snapshot for local communities, so it's easy to see what the common problems are in a given area, and how quickly they get fixed. Other residents can browse, read and comment on problems – and perhaps even offer a solution. For these reasons I prefer FixMyStreet to Tower Hamlet's FiFiLi App which keeps reports secret.

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