Monday, 17 August 2015

News about the CS2 Upgrade - Traffic, Trees & Trash. Part II: Trees

The TfL visualisation of how the CS2U route will look when finished

When TfL first published their visualisation for how Mile End Road would look post-CS2U I was struck by three things: the lack of traffic; the vibrant green of the trees; and the cleanliness of the streets.

In today's post, the second of three related posts, I'm going to update residents on what has been going on regarding the trees along the route.

On Wednesday 22nd July I attended a full council meeting with Geoff Juden, Chairman of the East London Garden Society who put the following question to the Mayor and his cabinet:

Mayor John Biggs replied that LBTH and TfL officers are talking to each other about this issue. Sites to replace 4 of the 22 trees have been identified, and work continues to find sites for the other 18. He understands three of the felled trees were mature and their loss is particularly regrettable. The borough aims to maintain and hopefully increase the cover of trees.

MEOTRA will keep you updated about this, as trees, as well as being aesthetically pleasing, also improve air quality, help cool buildings of a summer and absorb traffic sound.

(The next post will look at the continuing litter and rubbish issues in the MEOTRA area. especially those caused by the CS2U works).

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