Sunday 31 May 2015

CS2 Upgrade Construction Phase: Schoolchildren and other pedestrians put in increased danger

As we all know the Mile End area contains a large number of schools. Whilst TfL have reassured us that ALL pedestrian crossings will be reinstated following the CS2 construction work, at last Thursday's public meeting many residents voiced concerns about the increased danger to children and other pedestrians during this 58-week construction period.

Guardian Angels, Beatrice Tate, Central Foundation Girls', Malmesbury, Phoenix,  Pillar Box Montessori Nursery and  Mile End Nursery Schools all lie either on Mile End Road or on streets that run into it. Whilst TfL have carried out extensive traffic modelling, what allowance have they made for the thousands of school pupils (and university students) crossing this dangerously congested road?

Additionally, a number of schools (Ben Jonson, Halley & St Paul's Way Schools) lie on roads that are suffering a significant increase in traffic as vehicles attempt to circumvent the banned right turns at Mile End Junction.

As a matter of urgency we believe TfL and Tower Hamlets Council need to assess the increased danger to children and other pedestrians before someone is seriously hurt.

We would urge parents to ask their schools what measures have been put in place to educate pupils about these increased dangers and whether headteachers have expressed their concerns in writing to both TfL and Tower Hamlets Council.

Parents and other residents concerned about these issues and ones mentioned in previous articles should write to:

Sir Peter Hendy
Commissioner for Transport for London
14 Pier Walk, Se10 0ES

John Biggs
London Assembly Member (for City and East London)
Greater London Authority
City Hall,
The Queen's Walk
London SE1 2AA

Residents who have followed the scheme will know that the portion passing through Whitechapel was heavily reconfigured by TfL following lobbying by the ex-Mayor of Tower Hamlets Lutfur Rahman. Indeed Tower Hamlets Council will be given funding by TfL to counter rat-running and also to put in place traffic-calming measures. So please do get in touch with your local councillors  and also the Tower Hamlets mayoral candidates.

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