Friday, 15 September 2023

Tower Hamlets Waste Service Staff on strike - 18th Sept - 1st Oct (inclusive)


From Monday, for the next two weeks, up to 200 waste collection staff from Tower Hamlets Council will be on strike. It is mainly the waste service workers (bin men and women) and the street cleaners.

A statement on the council's website says:

"We are prohibited from bringing in additional resources during this time, but we will be reallocating staff who are not participating in the strike to cover missed collections, including Tower Hamlets Enforcement Officers. We are doing everything we can to maintain services for residents throughout the strike". 

During the strike bulky waste collections will be suspended in order that staff can focus on collections. Residents and businesses can take their waste to the Reuse and Recycling Centre in Yabsley Street. 

You can help by:

✅ Separating your waste and recycling in the correct bins

✅ Reducing your waste during the strike

✅ Continuing to recycle responsibly

✅ Crushing plastic bottles, cans and cardboard.

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