Friday, 4 March 2022

MEOTRA's Jubilee Jamboree - Tredegar Square, Sunday 5th June

Official artwork for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations


We've settled on the date: Sunday 5th June

We've settled on the venue: Tredegar Square Gardens

We've booked: the Facepainters

We've booked the Bouncy Castles

And we've just been awarded a £500 grant (plus a few "K" from our reserves) to bring all the residents in the area together for a day (or Two!) of fun. This isn't just for the residents of Tredegar Square; but for everyone from Coborn St, Coborn Road, Morgan Street, Grove Road, Aberavon Road, College Terrace, Tredegar Terrace, Benbow Mews, Pembroke Mews, Clinton Road, Mile End Road, Rhondda Grove, Alloway Road and Lichfield Road.

Mile End Old Town Residents Association was 50 years old in 2021, but this year we are holding a belated 50th Anniversary Party. We've come a long way, from Tred. Sq and its environs being about to being demolished and turned into a park, to the lovely mish mash of folk living around the MEOTRA block.

What Jubilacious Jamboree of fun do we have in store?

-Well that's up to you. ***Email if you'd like to get involved*** in the advanced planning. We want to hear your ideas. Let us know what you want to contribute (anything from Cakes to Fun Games).

-We'll be in the Lord Tredegar next Wednesday Night (16th March) if you want to pop along for a glass of something and a chat about how we can celebrate this momentous occasion. 

Photo of residents celebrating the previous (Diamond) Jubilee



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