Sunday, 27 February 2022

Platinum Jubilee Party in Tredegar Square - Sunday 5th June. Your help needed!


Artwork showing two images of the Queen in 1953 and 2002 superimposed on a Union Jack

Would you like to help out organising our party for the Queen?

On 6th February this year Her Majesty The Queen became the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, marking 70 years of service to the people of the United Kingdom, the Realms and the Commonwealth.

As many of you will know, we have a special bank holiday weekend from Thursday 2nd to Sunday 5th June, and Mile End Old Town Residents Association are going to hold a party in Tredegar Square to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. As that week is half term for many, we will  be holding the party on Sunday 5th June as many families will be back on the Sunday from any trips. But that is not set in stone yet. 

"Fun Day on Steroids"
We need residents to help plan the day and help out in lots of ways! It may be baking a cake, making some bunting, stepping up and singing a song,  or doing some of the boring, but necessary, red tape form filling.

It's Pimms o'clock mock poster with Lord Kitchener in famous "Your country needs you" pose

Meotra usually holds a Fun Day each summer, and this year we expect our party to contain elements of that, but with lots and lots of extras. We will likely have the usual elements of face painters, a clown, bouncy [Windsor] castles, Bobby Bubbles and his Crown Jewels of Bubbles; but we want lots more: Cakes, cakes and more cakes. Picnics Galore, bring a dish, tug-of-war, a traditional street party for the children, music, Egg and Dog race. Perhaps traditional cakes from your part of the UK or from around the world? [Mauritian Neapolitan is my fav.] Which street can make the best cake (I hear Clinton have a bit of an advantage!). A traditional table and chairs sit down feast for the kids in the middle of the square. An evening gig for adults in theHac with some local musicians or DJ Jim on the desks?

Obviously all the above are just ideas and the day is a blank canvas. Meotra has quite a bit of money set aside for the day to ensure it is as memorable as the 1953/1977/2002/2012 parties. It would be great if residents from across the 14 Meotra streets could get involved with organising the day in small or larger ways?  Neighbours from the same street getting to know each other better as well as between streets.

Call for help from MEOTRA Bow residents to help plan the Jubilee party

Photo of cakes decorated with Union Jack patterns
From here to Metformin...

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