Saturday, 18 December 2021

Carols in the Square - Sunday 19th at 5PM

MEOTRA residents singing carols in Tredegar Square

[PLEASE NOTE: This event is for MEOTRA residents only]

Tomorrow sees Meotra's Carols in the Square event. Which as usual is the last Sunday before Christmas.

The song sheets have been bagged up, the mulled wine is standing by the stove, mince pies stacked by the oven, children's presents wrapped and the Square walked today, like Wembley's hallowed turf before Cup Final.

I do hope you can join us for a 5PM start. Please have a read of our COVID precautions below. The carols are OUTDOORS, which really helps reduce the risk, but in addition:

  1. Please do not attend if you have flu or cold-like symptoms
  2. Please take a lateral flow test an hour or two before attending
  3. Groups are asked to remain in their family/friend bubbles
  4. The carol sheets are laminated and untouched for two years!
  5. Rather than man-handling the song sheets you may prefer to download them to your phone as a PDF (light and carols in one small package!)
  6. Hand sanitiser will be at both entrances
  7. Children’s pressies will be wrapped and bagged the week before
  8. We will have football splats on the ground at 2 metre intervals to aid distancing
  9. Please bring a clean mask to wear as we gather and depart
  10. Mulled wine and mince pies will be laid out on tables ready for to pick-up as you come into the Square. Just like a school-dinner queue, but with booze!

Click on Santa to download the Carols

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