Friday, 13 December 2019

CAROLS IN THE SQUARE - This Sunday 15th December, Tredegar Square at 5.30PM

Residents at last year's MEOTRA Carols in the Square gathering.

Meotra's annual carol service is this Sunday 15th December at 5.30PM in Tredegar Square.

It is a great event and we'll be there come rain or shine, with songsheets and some presents for the little ones.  Although the event is free, every year there’s a collection for charity. This year as last year we’ve chosen Bow Food Bank to help families in need have a better Christmas.

Entrance to the event will be through both gates of the Square. Please do bring a torch, and an umbrella in case of wet weather.

It’s a wonderful chance to catch up with your neighbours and get into the Christmas spirit. In keeping with this, the MEOTRA committee will be going to the pub afterwards if anyone would like to join us.

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