Monday, 30 December 2019

£310 raised for Bow Foodbank - Thank You!

MEOTRA Residents at the annual Tredegar Square Carols in the Square gathering.

It was great to see so many of you at our Carols in the Square just before Christmas. There were around 150-200 of us. We had the usual drama of missing song sheets, the heavens decided to open up for a bit, but we soldiered on and had a great time. The professional singers helped to keep us in time and gave it more of a West End rather than West Ham sound.

Thanks to David for manning the collection box, Nicky for acting as compere, Sarah for getting presents together for Margaret (the high-viz elf) to distribute, Alice for the mince pies and Vivien for the liquid refreshments.

All told we raised £310 for the Bow Foodbank and our Treasurer Jakki has dropped this off.

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