Friday, 12 April 2019

The Friends of Mile End Park Annual General Meeting (AGM)- Monday 15th April

This coming Monday 15th April is the Friends of Mile End Park's AGM at the Eco Pavilion (which is just off Grove Road between the Britannia Fish Bar and the Grove/Roman Road junction). 

Yes for those of you that missed the MEOTRA AGM there is another chance to swig wine from a plastic cup whilst enjoying the ergonomics of plastic folding chairs

The past year has been a busy year for the Friends with lots of activities including: litter-picking, planting thousands of bluebells, snowdrops and wild-flower seeds, their Annual Community Fair and Dog Show, closer links with Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park and the Friends of Meath Gardens and of course keeping an eye on the Park. At the AGM there is a chance to hear about these topics and their future plans.

The Park Management will also be on hand to answer any questions you may have.

Free nibbles, soft drinks and wine will be available.

Think this: Seven Cygnets Swimming 

The astonishingly beautiful seven cygnets on the Art Lake, Mile End Park

Not this:

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