Monday, 14 August 2017

Benjy's Tower - 562 Mile End Road & 1a, 1b, 1c Burdett Road

CGI views of the proposed development suggested at the site of the former Benjy's nightclub.
Comparison CGI View from Grove Road South - Original (left) and submitted (right)

The latest revised planning application for the Benjy's site goes before Tower Hamlets' Strategic Planning Committee this Thursday (17th August, 7PM, Town Hall). You can read the latest application here. The key revisions are a reduction in height of the main tower from 15-storeys to 12-storeys, and the 3-storey element now uses a red brick to match the 8-storey element to the southern half of the site to further break up massing.

MEOTRA have written an objection letter to this latest revised application. Our objections relate to:

  1. The building is too tall
  2. Dwelling Sizes
  3. Flexible business use
  4. Space for loading
  5. Microclimate
A number of residents will be attending the meeting and at least one is due to speak. But as it is the holiday season some of those that have attended previously are unable to on this occasion. If you are able to attend then that would be great as councillors do take into account the level of local opposition.

Meeting details 

Strategic Development Committee, Thursday, 17th August, 2017 7.00 p.m
Venue: Council Chamber, 1st Floor, Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG

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