Wednesday, 25 January 2023

Join Us - This Thursday for a Safer Communities Engagement Day - Tredegar Square 9am-12 midday and 5-7PM

 Photo of a "Tredegar Square E3" street sign

Concerned about Crime and ASB levels in our streets?

This Thursday morning and evening the Borough’s Community Safety Team, Police Safer Neighbourhood Teams and community safety partners will be in Tredegar Square.

In the morning (9-12) the council's safer communities mobile unit will be available with safer communities officers on board, as well as  police officers and Tower Hamlets Enforcement Officers (THEOs). There will be opportunities for residents to speak to their local Safer Neighbourhood Operations team, report any issues and seek advice.

In the evening (5-7PM) there will be a walkabout which gives residents a chance to highlight concerns of crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB) in our neighbourhood. You will have the opportunity to speak directly to senior officers in the police, council and partner agencies about your local concerns and emerging crime and ASB issues.

This is your Chance to let the powers that be know your concerns

There is an increasing tendency for those who live outside our 13 MEOTRA streets to think we live in some insulated bubble. But we don't. It is more Truman Show. Things may appear all hunky-dory from the outside, but the sirens don't always go past. They often stop.

Actually post-lockdown it has been a particularly tough 12 months or so in our area with residents suffering significant levels of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB), numerous muggings (often unreported), a growth in car crime (again mostly unreported) as well as a several fatalities on our streets.

Any ideas/solutions?

Pop along and let the police and other parties know what you think they could, or indeed should, be doing to tackle problems.

Increased lighting on Lichfield Road, securing Tredegar Square Gardens from dawn to dusk (like it was for many years), tackling the Morgan/Tredegar Square/College Terrace accident Black Spot, the NOx-related ASB on Clinton/Lichfield/Morgan/YouNameIt. Which of these register with you or do you have problems you wish to highlight?

Location: Tredegar Square
Date: 26th January
Time: 9-12; 5-7

If you are unable to come, but have concerns you wish to raise, then please email and our Chair will make sure your concerns are passed on.

Accident Crash Map

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