Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Easter Egg Hunt in Tredegar Square - Easter Saturday 16th April at 11am

Flyer for the MEOTRA Easter Egg Hunt in Tredegar Square


This Saturday Meotra is putting on an Easter Egg Hunt for our younger residents. We have lots and lots of eggs - many with novelty toys inside and others that are squidgy colourful ones that can be exchanged for egg-related treats.

If you are around on Saturday, the hunt will begin at 11 AM and it will be great to see some of our families with young children; or grandparents why not bring your grandchildren along?

Please do pop along and say hello.  We will be setting up from 10 am (a quick litter pick, followed by the egg hiding antics).

It would be helpful if you could message me to say if you are  planning on coming (so we can give a target of how many eggs to collect). 

The event is free

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