Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Benjy's Towers Development Goes to a Public Enquiry

A artist's impression of the proposed "Benjy's Towers" development

The proposal to build a part 3/8/12-storey development at the Mile End Road/Burdett Road junction on the site of the Benjy's nightclub has resurfaced with the launch of a public inquiry by the developer.

To see the details of the appeal on the government's planning inspectorate website click here and then enter the reference number 3204874 in the "search for a case" box on the right-hand side of the webpage. 

To remind yourself of the details of the development look at the Tower Hamlets planning website and search for the application using this reference number: PA/16/00943 (the application now stretches to some 210 documents).

The Appellant's Statement is particularly useful to read as this includes a summary of the grounds on which LBTH refused the application and the appellant's criticisms of them. Any additional evidence or opinion which supports the grounds for rejection by LBTH would be especially valuable.

Previously MEOTRA wrote a letter of objection and the same points still hold:

  1. The building is too tall
  2. Dwelling Sizes
  3. Flexible business use
  4. Space for loading
  5. Microclimate
What do you think of the scheme? Please let us know your thoughts and we will endeavour to include them at the public enquiry.

All representations must be received by 17/08/2018 and so please get in touch ASAP. (Yes yet another planning deadline during the holiday period!).

For those unfamiliar with the public enquiry process then this government document is helpful. The key dates are shown below. 


Start date
 06 July 2018
Submission of questionnaire
 31 July 2018
Deadline for comments from interested parties

17 August 2018
Submission of statement of case (Local
Planning Authority) 
17 August 2018
Submission of statement of case Rule 6(6) party (if applicable)

Pre-inquiry meeting (if applicable)
(time, date and venue)
Submission of statement of common ground
20 November 2018
Submission of proofs of evidence  
18 December 2018
Witness names and anticipated duration for:

       opening and closing statements
       evidence in chief
       cross-examination of other parties’ witnesses

Copy of LPA event notification letter

28 December 2018
Inquiry (time, date and venue)
15 January 2019
Council to arrange venue as soon as possible
Estimated number of sitting days
Decision issued on or before (Inspector decided cases)  

(Public Enquiry Inspector: J Gregory BSc (Hons) BTP MRTPI MCMI)

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