Tuesday, 13 February 2018

MEOTRA and Air Pollution

A map showing traffic speeds within MEOTRA.
Let's swap the red for green

The last MEOTRA committee meeting discussed the subject of traffic and pollution in our area and how to try and tackle it at a local level. We agreed MEOTRA should take an active role in trying to reduce pollution. In particular, the extra traffic generated by changes to Grove Rd and a proposed new cycle lane which could cause more problems. 

Similar concerns were raised by residents at the recent MEOTRA Neighbourhood Forum get together (report to follow) including:
  • Pollution from parked vehicles leaving engines running
  • Extra traffic resulting from the number 25 bus now terminating at Mile End
  • Number 25 buses parking in Grove Road
  • The infamous no right turns at Mile End Junction
  • The growing numbers of airport buses such as National Express
  • Speeding traffic
  • Lack of trees on Grove Road (which would reduce noise and pollution)
  • Vehicles using Aberavon/Morgan/Lichfield/Coborn and other roads as rat runs
  • Residents from other B Zones using Meotra streets as a "Park and Ride"
  • TfL pushing initiatives through that negatively impact on local residents' lives.

If you have any ideas or thoughts on tackling pollution in our area then email info@meotra.org.uk

Flyer for the Zero Emission Network

Whilst it is clear a lot of the issues arise from passing traffic, we too can play our part by joining the Zero Emissions Network (ZEN).  ZEN members are offered an exclusive deal to receive 50% off a yearly Santander cycle hire membership. And luckily for us, we have dozens of Santander (aka Boris) bikes in our area. So rather than drive to your early morning swim, or to the Roman, why not jump on a Boris?

You can cycle up to 10 times a day and as long as you keep within the 30 minute time frame, your trip will always be completely free. It is worth it. 

To find out more and apply for your promotional code, please email zen@hackney.gov.uk

Photo of a SAntander/Boris bike

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