Thursday, 29 December 2016

On-street Secure Cycle Storage is coming to Tower Hamlets

A bike hangar in Hackney
Coming to a street near you?

You may have noticed "Bikehangars" such as the one above dotted around London. Each provides secure on-street cycle storage for residents and stores up to six bicycles. Their galvanized steel construction and gas-assisted door offer a safe and effective way to protect bikes from tough weather conditions and vandalism. 

Typically it costs around £10 to £60 per year to rent a space in a Bikehangar (this varies from borough to borough) with Tower Hamlets seeming to be at the expensive end (but we can work on that!). As you can see from the map below the scheme has really taken off in some parts of London (Southwark, Hackney, Lambeth and Waltham Forest), but Tower Hamlets only has 3 to Lambeth's 220+.

The scheme is run by Cyclehoop who work with local councils to provide a fully managed rental scheme. Their website has a simple form where you can suggest a location in or near your street. To speed the process up it helps to canvas neighbours and there is a flyer available for download to help with this.

Please let MEOTRA know if you think this is something that would be good in our neighbourhood by emailing 

A map of inner London showing bike hangar locations.

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