Sunday, 23 March 2014

Future of the Art Pavilion in Clinton Road

A night time photo of Mile End Park's Art Pavilion as seen from Clinton Road
Tower Hamlets Council have decided that the Mile End Park Art Pavilion in Clinton Road is to be used for weddings instead of Art exhibitions every year from June to August inclusively and perhaps running into May and September.

This decision was taken in a closed meeting of the King George's Field Charity Board on the 29th of January. The Board consists of the Tower Hamlets Mayor and his cabinet. There were only three of the Board present at the meeting which is the minimum for the meeting to be quorate. 

MEOTRA were not consulted over this change in use and to our knowledge neither were the residents of Clinton Road, although they will undoubtedly be affected by the increased traffic, demand for parking and noise.

The pond and island are scheduled to be gated off and it is thought weddings will have a marquee on the island too.

Further details on this development can be found on the Friends of Mile End Park website

On Thursday 10th April at 7.30 pm in the Eco Pavilion (as the Art Pavilion is closed from the 1st of April to allow the necessary building works to begin) there will be a meeting of the Friends of Mile End Park to discuss these developments. Steve Murray, Head of Arts and Parks has confirmed he will attend.

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