Our Constitution

Mile End Old Town Residents' Association
 1  Name
The name of the Association shall be the Mile End Old Town Residents' Association (MEOTRA) and, for this purpose, Mile End Old Town shall be defined as the area bounded by the Mile End Road, Coburn Street, the railway and the canal.

 2.   Objects
The objects of the Association shall be:
a)      To obtain all present plans for the area, monitor all future plans and to protect the interests of the area in relation to any such plans;
b)      To work for the improvement of the area generally and of the houses therein and, once a satisfactory standard has been achieved, to ensure that it is maintained;
c)       To defend the rights and interests of the residents of the area; and
d)      To foster and sustain a community spirit in the area.

 3.   Membership
The Association shall consist of all people living in the area.

 4.   Honorary Officers
The Honorary Officers shall be a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. These shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association and any members of the Association may seek election to these posts.

 5.   Executive Committee
a)      The Executive Committee shall consist of the Honorary Officers, and up to nine members elected to serve on the Committee at the Annual General Meeting.;
b)      Any member of the Association shall be eligible for election to the Executive Committee;
c)      The Executive committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting;
d)     In the event of an Honorary Officer having to retire during his or her period of office, the Executive Committee shall elect one of their number to fill that post;
e)      The general business of the Association shall be controlled and carried out by the Executive Committee;
f)       The Executive Committee shall meet at least every three months and five members shall constitute a quorum;
g)     The Executive committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees to carry out certain functions and to co-opt non-voting members, but these shall always be subject to the jurisdiction of the Executive Committee; and
h)     If any member is absent from three consecutive Committee Meetings without good cause, he shall be deemed to have left the committee.

 6.   General Meetings
a)     The Annual General Meeting shall be held in March of each year;
b)     The Annual General Meeting shall elect officers and members of the Executive Committee;
c)      At least twenty-one days’ notice shall be given to all members of the Annual General Meeting;
d)     Items for the Agenda must be received by the Secretary at least seven days before the meeting;
e)    The Chairman and the Treasurer will present their reports at that time;
f)      A special General Meeting may be convened by the officers of the Executive Committee or shall, on receipt of a requisition signed by not fewer than twenty members of the Association, be convened by the Secretary within twenty-eight days of the receipt of such a requisition;
g)     At least fourteen days’ notice of a Special General Meeting shall be given to Members;
h)     A Special General Meeting shall only consider the business stated in the notice convening the meeting;
i)       Thirty members shall form a quorate at a Special General Meeting; and
j)       In an emergency, the Executive Committee may convene a meeting giving such notice as they deem sufficient in the circumstances.

 7.   Elections
a)     All members shall be eligible to vote in all elections;
b)     Candidates obtaining a straight majority shall be declared elected;
c)      In the event of a tie, there will be a re-election for the post concerned;
d)     Nominations must be handed in in writing to the Secretary before any elections commence
e)     Incomplete nominations will be declared invalid;
f)      No person may nominate more candidates than there are vacancies for the post concerned; and
g)     All elections shall be by secret ballot.

 8.   Amendments
No amendments may be made to this constitution, when adopted, save by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at a General Meeting.

 9.   Interpretation
In the event of any question of interpretation arising, or of any question on which these articles are silent, the Executive Committee shall have the power to act according to its interpretation of the Articles, or at its discretion.